Sunday, May 1, 2011

Action Planning Template
Goal:  To determine if extra-curricular involvement is a motivator for student academic success.
Action Steps(s):
Person(s) Responsible:
Timeline: Start/End
Needed Resources
Discuss topic with site supervisor, Renee Godi

Jeff Banner & Renee Godi
April 2011
-  Time
-  Failure Reports

Agreed that the results will warrant action to be taken by many to increase student academic success.
Present research plan to all extra-curricular sponsors at beginning of year staff meeting.

Jeff Banner & all extra-curricular sponsors
August 2011
-  Time
-  List of all sponsors
-  Powerpoint explaining my research
-  Printout of powerpoint for those who are not present

Ensure that all parties involved understand the process and what information is needed for me to conduct the research.
All extra-curricular sponsors email a copy of their roster.

Jeff Banner & all extra-curricular sponsors
September 2011
-  Time
-  List of all sponsors
-  Email sponsors with a  deadline to submit rosters.
Compile all the lists into one master listing of students involved in extra-curricular activities.
Obtain Failure Reports for the first, second, and third six weeks grading periods.

Jeff Banner
December 2011
-  Time
-  Access to pinnacle failure reports
-  7th and 8th student enrollment
-  Contact any teacher who listed an Incomplete for a grade.
Calculate the school failure rate for the 7th and 8th grade combined.
Identify percentage of failing students that are involved in any extra-curricular activity by comparing failure list to my master list.
Jeff Banner
January 2012
-Failure Reports
- Master list of extra-curricular students
Of those that failed, calculate the percentage that were involved in extra-curricular activities. 
Examine Current or existing research in this area.
Jeff Banner
August 2011 – February 2012
-  Time
-  Periodicals
-  Databases
Investigate existing research in this area to develop a deeper understanding and determine if my results support or discredit what is shown. 
Compile data and results for each grading period.

Jeff Banner
February 2012
-  Time
-  Create charts and graphs with figures
Compile and organize results in order to prepare to present them to administrators and extra-curricular sponsors.
Share findings with site supervisor
Jeff Banner & Renee Godi
February 2012
-  Time
-  Computer with presentation or printout of presentation
Explain the results to my principal.  Discuss the findings and examine if there is need for additional information.
Share findings with all extra-curricular sponsors.
Jeff Banner & all extra-curricular sponsors
March 2012
-  Time
-  Powerpoint explaining research
-  Printout of powerpoint for those not there.
-  Questionnaire for suggestions or qualitative information that needs to be considered. 
Explain the results to all extra-curricular sponsors. 

Brainstorm and identify actions that can be taken to increase all students’ academic success.
Jeff Banner & leadership team
April 2012
-  Time
-  Leadership team

Based on results, determine how to motivate more students.  If participation is a motivator based on the research, how can we get more students involved?  If it is not, what can be done to motivate students?
Implement appropriate changes to improve academic success. 
Jeff Banner & Renee Godi
August 2012
-  Time
-  Present changes and research to staff at beginning of year staff meeting.
Implement new ideas brought forth by the action research.
Evaluate the progress and need for additional action research in this area.
Jeff Banner
-  Time
-  Evaluate improvement by looking at student athletes academic success.
Constantly examine the progress of my student athletes to determine if the changes implemented are successful.

Format based on Tool 7.1 from Examining What We Do to Improve Our Schools
(Harris, Edmonson, and Combs, 2010)

Friday, April 15, 2011

Importance of Blogging

Communication is the key to success in any organization.  In education, teachers and administrators are constantly collaborating and sharing ideas.  Blogging is an efficient, fast, simple, and cost effective way for leaders to do so.  Overall, it allows information to be shared and for feedback to be provided on unlimited topics. 

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Importance of Action Research

In order to be successful and to attain the best results, all teachers and administrators must have the passion to be lifelong learners.  Strategies implemented in schools are constantly changing and evolving with time.  It is essential that school leaders evolve and evaluate best practices along the way in order to best serve their campus and community.  One way to accomplish this is through action research. 

Action research can be accomplished in four steps.  The first step is self reflection.  This is where you reflect on curiosities, problems, or wonderings that could be used to improve the campus or student learning.  Next is the process of researching the aforementioned curiosity or issue.  This is traditional research and consists of collecting data, reading relevant literature, meeting with colleagues, and collaborating with professional learning communities.  The third step is to implement your findings and put new ideas into practice.  Lastly, and most importantly, is reflecting on and sharing the outcome of your research.  It is essential that leaders reflect and evaluate if the results accomplish what was set out to improve.  From here, action research is shared in professional learning communities and amongst colleagues. 

Action research is much more involved than the traditional research.  In education, it is imperative that action research be conducted by teachers and administrators.  This is an invaluable tool used to improve leaders, teachers, campus, classrooms, and most importantly student learning.